World Mental Health Day and Nurturing Self-Care

World Mental Health Day and Nurturing Self-Care

October has been a strange month, and many people I’ve spoken to are feeling snowed under, icky and unsure about the rest of the year. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, but much positive change and kindness can still be found.


On a local level, my home county has hosted much-needed wellness events and community gatherings where practitioners and professionals have shared a safe, loving space with people searching for ways to improve self-care and nourish their needs.


‘The greatest project you’ll ever work on is you.’ Unknown


If you can do one thing today that encourages you to feel good about yourself, what will it be? Now, go do it!


Writing – Words for Wellness


World Mental Health Day takes place in October to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate positive mental wellbeing. According to the charity Mind, around one in four people in the UK will encounter a mental health problem yearly.


Being aware of the different types of mental ill health, including stress, anxiety disorders, depression, self-harm, eating disorders and schizophrenia, offers an opportunity to reflect on our mental health journey and take self-care steps to stay healthy, happy and fulfilled.


✐  Journal Prompts


What daily habits or rituals do you engage in to nurture self-care?

• What areas could be improved and what new introductions can you make?

• Reflect on the connection between your mental and physical health. How does your mental state influence your physical wellbeing and vice versa?

• Describe any practices or routines that help maintain a healthy balance between your mind and body and those that cause disruption. What do you notice?


Being present

Being present and practising mindfulness offers an invitation to unlocking a deeper level of observation of the world around us. The slower I am when pottering outside, the more I notice. The intricacies and nuances of life are everywhere, but nature presents the best selection by far. This week, I encourage you to seek out and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

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